Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tiny Sprouts and Transplants

Week of March 15 through 21

Oh how our garden grows! Warmer days and good soil (and plant food) have caused our tomato plants to double in size over the last week. The squash and peppers haven't grown as much, but they have put on new leaves since we planted them.

The most exciting development in our garden has been the emergence of our bean sprouts. We have been (im)patiently waiting for our beans to come up since we planted the seeds. My dad told us that we would see sprouts in about a week, but being the constant worrier that I am, I assumed they were desiccated and hopeless about four days after we planted them. I really need to learn to be more patient. One week to the day of being planted, we saw the first sprout poke its little green bud from the ground. I will not doubt the green thumbed king of gardening again. At least not today. The next day it was bean-o-palooza! Every single one of our seeds had sprouted a plant with two flourishing leaves. Every grade school child in America has participated in the bean-in-a-styrofoam-cup experiment, and has been rewarded with a verdant green plant for their patience. How these six year olds stand the waiting, I may never know.

I had also given up hope on my living Easter eggs. For the last two weeks I have been optimistically adding water to their colored shells, hoping for any indication that the little flowers were actually growing. Just as I had decided that the eggs were rotten and would never germinate the way their (paradoxical) packaging promised, The Husband noticed tiny sprouts poking through the dirt. I'm not sure if we will have flowers by Easter, but the eggs sure are cute!

We also transplanted all of our herb sprigs into larger starter squares. I peeled off the tiny net surrounding each peat pellet, and gave each seedling its own little home. It has been four weeks since I started the seeds in the windowsill greenhouse, and in the last week, since moving them into full sun, the plants have burst forth, growing taller and reaching for more light. We moved the plants outside onto our patio after transplanting them, with the hopes that the sunshine and warm air would encourage them to grow even more. With better soil, and more room to take root, I think these little sprouts will flourish.

Realizing how decidedly impatient I am with growing plants from seeds, it is no surprise that growing up, my least favorite parent-ism to hear was "give it time." You aren't quite tall enough to ride the roller coaster? Give it time. You aren't old enough to get your ears pierced? Give it time. You aren't an expert flautist the first time you pick up the instrument? GIVE IT TIME! It was right up there with "don't wish your life away." As I've gotten older, I've realized what my parents were really saying - with time, everything has a way of working itself out. Finding a job, working through tough situations, determining your place in the world; these things all take patience. I've learned that when things aren't going quite the way I'd hoped or planned, I need to give it time. So, why am I so impatient with these seeds!?! It must be the crazy.

Around Our House Next Week: Closet Shelf Installation, Dressmaking, Decorating for Easter and A Birthday Celebration

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